The Most Useful Skills for Jobseekers

28 Sep, 2023

Regardless of the job you seek, people often fail to realise that certain skills can provide a base for many more pathways than first considered. Call them ‘street smarts’ or life skills if you want to, but the skills described below can be transferred across roles and industries, setting you apart from fellow job seekers.

MP Training and Recruitment takes pride in being known for its extensive job search expertise. If you’re a job seeker in Melbourne with a need to escape the hustle and bustle, we may just have the job for you in regional Victoria and New South Wales. We understand the pain that comes with failure to land a job. This is why we ensure that our candidates are well-rounded to successfully get where they want to go. So, this blog was penned with the plan that you would take these points and go forth with greater career confidence.

Commercial awareness

It is important to know how the industry works and how a company became what it is today. Displaying your understanding of the products and services the business provides will give the impression of you being serious and well-informed about your new role.

Interpersonal skills

Most jobs require you to have interpersonal and intrapersonal skills on some level. Employers ideally look for candidates who can clearly understand the question at hand, while also engaging with their team. The basics here would be condensed to listening, reading, and writing, but could extend to employee engagement, empathising with clients, and understanding customer needs. 

Teamwork is the dream work

No job can be completed without group coordination. Any individual who is part of an organisation must be able to ask for help or even offer help to contribute to a project or problem. This might extend to skills such as leadership and collaboration, but many employers do consider basic teamwork as a non-negotiable these days when hiring new employees.

Confidence is key

Say what you must, but personality can play a big unspoken role between where you are and what you want to achieve. Think about it: if you’re faced with a problem at work, how would you handle it? Would you step up and take ownership while guiding the team to the solution? Or would you sit still and do nothing about it?

These are the types of scenarios an employer wants you to think about. They want to know if you have the skills to work under pressure, negotiate, debate, discuss, and research the problem before deciding on an outcome. And while confidence is key, you should also expect to be open-minded and hear criticism when your ideas and plans don’t work as expected. Remember: there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance.

Get in touch with us today!

We take pride in calling ourselves the regional experts, and we have the vast network of candidates and employers to prove it.

If you think you’ve got what it takes – and even if you don’t! – give us a ring and let us get you where you need to go.

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